Videofied is a wireless, cordless and weatherproof intrusion detection system that is professionally monitored for immediate video verification of the alarm and priority police

response to the intrusion.

Over 1,000,000 videofied installations in more than 60 countries around the globe, this is an alarm system like you’ve never seen before.


  • Wireless-Cable free installation
  • Long-lasting batteries with a 3 to 4-year lifespan
  • Tamper-Resistant Design – The system includes anti-tamper protection, meaning if someone tries to disable it, an alert is immediately sent.
  • Operates on Cellular or IP Networks – Videofied can transmit alerts and video clips via GSM (SIM card) or Wi-Fi/IP connection, ensuring reliable communication.
  • Weather proof – Videofied outdoor cameras and motion detectors are designed to withstand dust, rain, and harsh weather conditions.

How it works

  1. Intruder breaks in
  2. Alarm triggered
  3. Camera activated
  4. 10 sec. clip recorded
  5. Video sent to Security
  6. Police alerted
  7. Intruder arrested

Why Videofied?

A traditional alarm system notifies you that a sensor was tripped, but can’t verify who or what tripped the alarm. Videofied Motion Viewers send a short video clip every time the built-in PIR motion sensor trips, providing immediate verification to the operator at the central monitoring station and enabling Priority Response from the police to make an arrest and stop the intruder.


  • Vacant properties
  • Perimeter protection
  • Small protection
  • Billboards
  • Building sites
  • Cash Office
  • Retail
  • Building sites
  • Scrap yards
  • Residential
  • Security Guard Enhancement

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